H1. El Proyecto Advancement asume la reforma de la justicia social

This page was created to demonstrate the blocks and elements that are used on the site, and serves as a guide for everyone who works on it.
Designers and technologists work out styles here to achieve acceptable results in various combinations of blocks and elements. Content managers and editors use the page as a reference for the layout of standard pages. It also describes
some general rules for the design of content.
H2. Multiline header, the length of which is sometimes so inappropriate
Typical elements are designed in the administration system through a visual editor.
To make it easier for the content manager to navigate them, it is better to reduce their number to the necessary minimum.
H3. We make the headlines deliberately long to make sure the correct interlining
The immanent approach implies an attitude to the text as an autonomous reality, aiming at revealing its internal structure
Representative — consideration of the text as a special form of representation of knowledge about the
external reality of the text.
H4. First of all, we are interested in the interlining and indentation, but do not forget about the title itself
Текст состоит из некоторого количества предложений.
Одно предложение, даже очень распространённое, сложное, текстом назвать нельзя, поскольку текст можно расчленить на самостоятельные предложения, а части предложения
сочетаются по законам синтаксиса сложного предложения, но не текста.
H5. Fifth level header
The <h5> header is used only for auxiliary information, where there is a possibility of a sixth level of breakdown.
An example is the "Contact Information" block, which is divided internally by company departments.
H6. Low-level header
The "lowest" heading <h6> precedes elements such as "Comment" or "Table".

Text formatting
To reduce the distance between a paragraph and its associated list, the paragraph needs to add a class "Before the list" (before_list).
In addition, there are rules for the design of lists:
- If the items in the list are long and represent detailed sentences,
- they should start with a capital letter and end with a dot.
- If the list items are short, are not an independent complete construction and
- are grammatically closely related to the introductory phrase preceding the list,
- they must start with a lowercase letter and end with a semicolon
- (there is a dot at the end of the last paragraph).
- If the items in the list are long and represent expanded sentences, they must begin with a capital letter and end with a dot.
- If the items in the list are short, are not an independent complete construction and are grammatically closely related to the introductory phrase preceding the list, they must begin with a lowercase letter and end with a semicolon (at the end of the last item is a dot).
There may be several types of links on the site. For example, the link to Yandex is external.
Internal links can open by default in the current window (for example, going to the main page) or in a new window (for example, to display images in the original size).
Simplicity is a necessary condition of beauty.
A quote is not an extract. The quote is a cicada. Incessancy is peculiar to her. Clutching the air, she does not let go.
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